Thursday, March 8, 2012

IVF Post: #1

Wow. It's here. This day is finally here. This scary looking box, full of needles, syringes, medications is step 1 towards us 'building' our healthy baby. I say 'build' as it all seems so unnatural, so scientific & such an abrupt transition to how we were this time last year, when all I knew of was getting pregnant naturally and that I would be expecting my healthy baby girl in 3 months. Never did I think we would be doing what we are about to. Using the process of IVF & PGD, we have 98% chance of eliminating the horrible Incontinentia Pigmenti disorder from our future childs life. On day 3 the fertilized embryo or blastocyst will have one of their cells extracted and shipped accross the country to Genesis Genetic Institute in Detroit. Here the amazing scientists will determine which one has and doesn't have the gene. The egg that is without and looks the healthiest, will then be placed back in like regular IVF, in the hope I will become pregnant. Thank god we have this opportunity, thank god we live in this day and age where such technology exists. I feel excited, optimistic, yet so petrified at the same time. Will it work the first time? Will it ever work? How many rounds will we have to do? We are supposedly ideal candidates, I have no known fertility issues. With Amelie I got pregnant the first time we tried. However this is now. I don't know anything anymore. Absolutely nothing is certain. Are we right in doing this or are we just setting ourselves up for another dissapointment? I don't know, all I know is we have to try.

Aaron just gave me the first shot ever. I was so scared, I hate needles. Thankfully, it's really not that bad. The needle is tiny and it doesn't hurt at all. I feel normal, the same. No side effects yet. (Only been an hour though). I haven't turned into a raving lunatic like I feared (they do say you go a little Loopy on Lupron and I never take any medications not even Tylanol)....but so far so good...fingers crossed..


Brie said...

Hoping with you and thinking of you guys all the time.

HopeandPray said...

I am also about the start my IVF PGD treatment. Your blog was very touching to read. Your daughter was stunning and I am sure she watches over you every day.

I wish you lots of luck in your journey x

Zita said...

Thank you both for your comments. Hope2011, I wish you the best as you begin the IVF/PGD process also and will be following your blog. Im sure, like me you are prepared for a difficult journey/with ups and downs. But we just have to take each stage step by step and know believe will happen. Thinking of you.

(By the way, Im alo from England Buckinghamshire but moved to LA 9yrs ago.)

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