Monday, May 21, 2012

IVF Post: #13

I had the transfer after all!!!!! I am SO happy. Our sweet little embryos survived and surpassed our expectations. They turned out to be excellent candidates for transfer, I guess they were late bloomers. 2x Grade A, Hatching Blastocysts were put back in. I had them transferred at 9am this morning. I couldn’t believe it - we are so happy. The PGD results for these 2 were negative (97% chance of not having IP...I will totally take that!). I guess things can change quickly with these little guys. It all went as well as it could. The process was smooth, little awkward but I am so used to it all by now. My amazing acupuncturist Dr Lim from TCM Healing Center met me there 30 minutes before the transfer. (This was very important to me as I really believe  in it increasing your chances). With the help of this and the valium I was a little calmer….So happy, I cannot believe we did it. I know it may not happen, they may not take, but to have the chance, to try felt really really good. To know it was all not for nothing. I am optimistic…but with a lot of caution.


Mama Bear said...

Oh I am so hopeful for you!! Good luck with the agonizing wait!

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh... I think you are at risk of... having twins!!! It would be awesome :-) That would make Amelie your future children's real guradian angel as she not only protects them from having IP but also prepared your womb for carrying 2 littl eones - as they say twin pregnancy is a lot less risky after a singleton pregnancy.

So sorry I feel I got a bit carried away just would so much like it to work for you.

xx Rianon

HopeandPray said...

Amazing honey! Sorry I have just seen this. It's all sounding very positive. Congrats hun xx

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