Saturday, January 14, 2012

Amelie's Box of Memories...

I have been thinking of doing this for a while. I wanted to buy/or design a pretty little box, a chest to keep all of her special things. A box I can proudly share with Amelie's future siblings. One that I can look into when I need comfort and am sad. One that will protect and keep safe all of her precious belongings. Her first onesie, her first outfit, in which we brought her home in, her little white cotton t-shirt which the hospital gave to us, which she wore. Her little hat with the pink flower and ballet shoes and little socks she wore at our goodbye. Her birth certificate, social security card, hospital bands. All her little items, they bring me such comfort. I want to keep them safe. They are all I have from her, that is tangible, that I can hold, that is here. I looked long and hard for a long time, nothing was pretty or special enough until I found this. It is perfect, just like my baby.


Three Little Ladies said...

I came across your blog researching IP. I am so saddened to hear about your loss. I too HATE this horrible, no good, cursed condition called IP. I would love to share my story with you, we are not in this alone. I tried posting to you as a comment but it wouldn't take my commit because it was too long. I would love to email you, or you are welcome to visit my blog. My personal email is

God Bless,

Molly said...

A beautiful box for a beautiful girl. I am so sorry for your loss and hope that you find some solace in our little baby loss blogging community as Josh, Kari and the rest of us have.

brianna said...

I just finished reading through Amelie's story and it is both full of so much and so much heartache. I am just so very sorry. I'm here from Josh's blog and just wanted to say that I hope you are able to find some comfort in this community of grieving parents.

Fireflyforever said...

I found you via Josh's blog. Your daughter is very beautiful - and I love her name. It is one I considered for each of my children.

I love Amelie's box. My daughter's memory box is very precious to me too. I don't go to it, very often now (Emma died 3.5 years ago) but it brings me comfort to know it is there.

I am sorry that you are here, in this part of the internet, but I hope you find love and support from us all.

Brooke said...

I liked her from Josh's blog and read Amelie's story and I just want to say how sorry I am that you had to lose your baby girl. It breaks my heart to think of another mother missing her daughter. The box for her things is gorgeous, and a beautiful way to pay tribute to your daughter. I also wanted to say that I love her name. I know how much it hurts to miss your baby, and I hope it helps just a bit to know you're not alone.

Zita said...

Thank you all for your comments. It helps to know I am not alone(although I wish others did not have to go through this). I will be following all of your blogs . Thank you for getting in touch and your sweet comments about Amelie. I am sure all of our babies are looking down at us so proudly. x

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