Wednesday, May 9, 2012

IFV Post: #6

I almost didn't want to write an update on how it's all going, incase I jinxed myself; like last time when I had to stop the cycle.....All I can say is so far so good. I have started the MENOPUR and GONAL F shots  (aka:the follicle stimulation process), on Saturday. Have to say, the shots particularly the Menopur really really hurt. It is so painful, even after numbing my skin with ice for 15 minutes. The amount of liquid going into the muscle is so much, it takes so long it just hurts so bad..I feel like such a wuss. Other women I have spoken to have said its not that bad, for me it is excruciating. Poor hubby is so frazzled by it all, he hates giving them to me, hurting me with it. I can tell he gets so nervous before giving it. I am up to 3 shots a night as still getting the Lupron. I had my first ultrasound today, since beginning the stimmulations and so far everything looks as it should. I have 12 follicles (each one should hopefully contain an egg, our possible future baby)....This number is supposed to increase the further I go. If everything goes according to plan, which up to now looks like it is then the Retrieval will be a week from next Wednesday. Meaning the Transfer would be the following Monday, the 21st May. (And no I have not calculated the due date yet and I don't think I will until the appointment is actually confirmed, I've learned my lesson). I am actually hopeful and excited about what this could all mean. If it is successful, I could be pregnant by the end of this month. Crazy.

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